In my homeland of Utah, a young Golden Eagle recently survived after a wildfire scorched his body and destroyed his home. In Utah, the summertime is incredibly vulnerable to wildfires. Kent Keller, a wildlife conservationist who puts bands on juvenile eagles in order to track them and record a species' success, tagged soon-to-be-named Phoenix and released him to be back with his family on a mountainside in Utah county. Unfortunately, what is thought to be a gunshot sparked a fire near Saratoga Springs, which was considerably close to the young eagle's nest. The wildfire was thought to have scorched 5,500 acres of the county. After the blaze swept across the area, Keller went to locate the supposed Phoenix's body. There he found a familiar tagged-and
not dead- eagle amongst the ashes of the burnt mountainside. Keller brought him back to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Ogden, where he was named Phoenix by his new caretakers. After lots of water, food, ointment and antibiotics, Phoenix is doing just fine. What a lucky eagle, to have survived something like that.
P.S. If you live locally in Utah, donations can be made to help pay for Phoenix's care on-site at the Utah Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.