Friday, December 28, 2012

Bouba N'Djida National Park in Cameroon Mobilizes Elite Soldiers to Defend Area From Poachers

Yes, the same country and park that fell victim to the horrible slaughter of over 300 elephants in these recent months is now immobilizing an army of armed patrols to defend the country from ruthless ivory poachers. It only makes sense: poaching groups that have developed use machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, and some even wear uniforms, says General Martin Tumenta, who also states that these are no ordinary poachers that Africa is dealing with. This is a good thing, given the amount of animals killed and the money in circulation. But are there other methods of solving this? Is the answer to this violence really more violence? That's still to be discovered, but we are running out of time. We have always had poaching patrols at use and at our disposal, but now we're getting serious--and more intense. 

Source & photo: (international)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Remarkable New Animals Discovered in Mekong

The list includes a new species of snake, a bat with a devilish appearance, and several new species of fish. This is exciting for the scientists who have discovered them, but there is always the grim realization that, given that they are newly discovered, we don't know if these new species are plentiful or if they are in imminent danger of extinction with the fall of a single tree. I would say we are lucky, given the amount of species that go extinct before we even know about them. Every day, whole swaths of rainforest are cut down, and the Amazon is currently under siege from a barrage of greedy companies struggling to obtain oil from the rich underground preserves there.

This is the ruby-eyed pit viper, the new snake species that was recently discovered

But fortunately there's always a way to help. To learn more about these newly-discovered species and more, check out the following link:


Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm Getting a Little Held Back...

I was just giving you guys a heads up that I might not be posting for a while. There's just so much threats to wildlife, so many wrong-doings against animals in this world, and it's a little too much to keep up with, though I wish I could inform you about everything.

But just to let you know, I'm managing the site right now, making a few minor tweaks. That new page is still being worked on, there's a little trouble managing the link. But I am still intent on informing you about all if the threats in the world, and achievements, and how you can help. But none of this would have been possible if it weren't for you, the people who share my interest and lifelong love. I'm just a kid in middle school. I love being a kid, but I also love doing this.