Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Energy Program to Increase use of Renewable Energy

Yesterday, June 18, congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, with support from several cosponsors, represented a bill in the House that would encourage and support an increased use of renewable energy in the 2012 Farm Bill. A group called the Rural Energy Investment Act, which is cosponsored with 16 other members, will provide funding for and reauthorize important Farm Bill renewable energy programs. We need this because it creates sustainable biomass amounts. Here's how it works: So far, the biomass grown in the U.S. has mostly been corn for use of ethanol production. Since the demand for corn ethanol is so high, croppers are forced to plant more crops, destroying wildlife habitat in the process. By utilizing this renewable energy program, more rural areas will rely upon wind turbines and solar panels, etc., to profit them of their electricity needs. Plus, if planted properly, the renewable energy resources will increase the amount of naturally-growing habitat in specific areas. Thank goodness for Mrs. Kaptur.

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1 comment:

  1. PJ! Great blog. I'm impressed that you are 10, and are taking the initiative to write about animal conservation! Keep up the good work.
