Sunday, September 9, 2012

Romney Reveals Plan to Drill in Alaska Wildlife Refuge

Recently, Mitt Romney revealed his plans to "aggressively" expand offshore drilling in places like Virginia and South Carolina, but, as if things weren't bad enough, what he plans to do if he's elected president just got even worse. He proposes to start drilling smack in the middle of Alaska's National Arctic Wildlife Refuge. I was kind of neutral at first when it came to the presidential debate, but now I'm Obama all the way. The National Arctic Wildlife Refuge is home to everything from wolves to caribou to wolverines to our beloved polar bears, and I just can't stand to see them threatened by Romney's plan to "expand" our oil resources. We all know how the Gulf of Mexico turned out. Let's not let it happen again. As Romney said, "This isn't a 'pie in the sky' sort of thing. We will succeed in expanding our oil resources and making America an independent country when it comes to energy and fuel resources." In other words, he plans to guarantee this chaos will occur...


To help the refuge, click the link below:

Source: NPR (National Public Radio)


  1. Please no rude or mean comments about the presidential debate. Thanks.

  2. most republicans want to drill in the artic as well i am going obama to save our timber wolves
