Saturday, August 11, 2012

World Elephant Day!

Time to embrace the world's biggest land mammal! National Elephant day is tomorrow, August 12. Elephants are under threat because of poaching for their ivory tusks, but this holiday brings new hope for the beautiful mammals. You don't exact;y have to throw a party for the elephants, but just realize how precious they are and, even given terrible human obstacles, are still a species that has hope.

It is also a reminder of the terrible mass killing of elephants that occurred between January and March of this year, and the World Wildlife Fund has just let out video footage of it. Heavily-armed foreign poachers invaded Cameroon and killed over 300 elephants in Bouba N'Djida National Park. Surprisingly, I never heard of the incident until recently, or else I would have made a post about it much, much earlier. But the World Wildlife Fund has just released a video honing in on the incident, made like a mini-documentary.

This video is a reminder of the horrendous incident, and may not be for the weak-of-stomach:

We can all conclude that in order to save the elephants it's up to us. So donate to an organization that saves elephants, like WWF. Cherish these creatures of majesty, and forever realize there is hope for the elephants. And there's hope for every animal, for that matter.



  1. So apparently this got major worldwide attention, but I had never heard about it.

  2. Happy Elephant day :0 Good coverage!
    PS: Check this link word is true!
